Self Build Dwellings
Small residential development of 2 properties.

The project brief centered around the design and project management of a pair of individually designed, large eco-houses using Passivhaus principles as a key driver for design decisions. The houses take on board all thermal and air sealing requirements along with green technologies such as MVHR, ASHP, triple glazing and solar panels. Careful detailing and design of each individual element eliminated the potential for cold bridging, heat loss and heat gain ensuring the properties perform at a consistently very high level.
With the site being outside of development boundaries the planning authorities had a degree of high-level input in the design process, requesting the dwellings be of a traditional appearance to the streetscene. To the rear the clients requested a contemporary splash of design. Open plan living was a big part of the brief along with the ability to enjoy smaller, cosier spaces as and when required. Views are enjoyed from upper levels with a large entertaining terrace to the East and library landing to the West. The remit included interior design with the teams ideas needing to evolve as the clients were able to walk around the site and begin to experience the spaces being constructed. The landscape was also incorporated into the remit with challenging topography inspiring the multi-tiered gardens to enable the client to fully engage with specific parts of the garden at specific times of the day.